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HomeBeritaJadi Puteri Indonesia Pariwisata, Jihane Almira Sempat Ingin Masuk Militer

Jadi Puteri Indonesia Pariwisata, Jihane Almira Sempat Ingin Masuk Militer

BOGORDAILY – Aktris  mengikuti ajang Puteri Indonesia 2020. Di situ, ia dipercaya menyandang gelar Puteri Indonesia Pariwisata 2020.

Usai diberi kepercayaan besar, Jihane bercerita sedikit soal kehidupannya di Instagram. Ia ternyata sempat ingin masuk dunia militer dan atlet.

“It still feels sureal..⁣⁣ I finally got the opportunity to let flow my thoughts and ideas. ⁣⁣Contributing everything in me and become influential in any circumstances for the country has been something I always wanted for so long,” tulisnya.

⁣⁣”Starting off wanted to join the military and becoming a national athlete, but none got the approval from my family..⁣⁣ It convinced me further that the pageantry is the greatest chance I could take to prove my love I have for the people, for Indonesia.”

pun berterima kasih terhadap orang-orang yang telah meyakinkan dirinya untuk bisa berjuang di Puteri Indonesia 2020. Ia sangat terhormat karena dinilai bisa memberikan terobosan saat dipercaya menjadi Puteri Indonesia Pariwisata.

“I feel extraordinarily blessed and want to thank everybody that has been along with me during my ride, for having faith in me, for making myself reassured of what I'm capable of, for finding solutions and making every path passable barging through the storm, and of course everybody else, thank you very much for supporting me all throughout,” ujarnya.

⁣Kemudian, Jihane menulis soal aktor Rezky Aditya. Menurutnya, suami Citra Kirana itu punya jasa yang berarti untuk dirinya.

“Oooh, also @thereal_rezkyadhitya for being one of the first person who succeeded making a bet and challenged me to lose weight,” tuturnya.


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